Programs for Seniors (60+ years)
The mission of Calhoun County Senior Services is to enhance, promote, and ensure the availability of needed quality services for Calhoun County seniors through effective and efficient allocation of County Senior Millage resources. Calhoun County Senior Services administers and monitors the use of senior millage funds, organizes special events for older adults, advocates for improved services in the community by identifying needs and promoting collaboration, and helps seniors connect to services.
Senior Millage funded programs such as, Senior Fitness & Fun, Transportation and Benefits Counseling serve all seniors regardless of income, while some programs, including Home Heating Assistance, Dental Services and Minor Home Repair, serve seniors with limited incomes to help those most in need. Many services are provided without cost to older adults, but some programs encourage a cost-share to help funding go further.
Senior lunches paid for by the millage are held every other Wednesday at 12:30 pm at the Marengo Community Center, 325 College St. Check the calendar and come socialize and have fun while learning from various presenters.
Tai Chi is held every Monday at 10:30 am at the Marengo Township Hall.
Starting January 3, 2024 coffee and donuts started up on every other Wednesday at the Eckford Community Center. Check the calendar and come socialize.
For information email your Marengo Township Senior Ambassadors: Vicki (Mrs. Dan) Laupp or Deb Withee.