
Summer 2024 tax collection will be Friday's from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.  and Monday, September 16th from 9:00 a.m to 4:00 p.m.  Taxes are due September 16, 2024.  After that date the tax and 1% monthly interest will be due.

No  credit cards accepted.   Cash or Check only.

Marengo Township is currently accepting applications for Summer 2024 tax deferments.  Under MCL 211.51, property taxpayers may defer until February 14, 2025 without penalty or interest, the due date of their summer taxes on their principal residence, if their gross income for the preceding calendar year did not exceed $40,000 and they are a)  62 years of age or older, including the unmarried spouse of a person who is 62 years or older at the time of death; b) A paraplegic or quadriplegic; c) An eligible service person, eligible veteran, or their eligible widow or widower; d) A blind person; or e) A total and permanently disabled person.  Those that farm agricultural real property may also qualify.

Please call for more information.  Deferments must be on file by September 16, 2024.

If you qualify for summer deferment the form is available in the office or below:

Application for Deferment of Summer Taxes

There is a green drop box on West side or black drop box in front of town hall.  To request a receipt, enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope.

Tax information: BS&A Online
Calhoun County: GIS Property Lookup


Daniel Slone, Assessor

20 Percent of all properties will be visited starting in the summer months per the State of Michigan requirement. The information on your property record card will be verified to ensure everything is correct. occasionally a pole barn, garage, etc. may need to be measured if your measurements aren't correct. If you have an issue with a visit or you would like to request that no one visits your property, call (269) 781-8422. You may measure your own buildings and give us the measurements. This allows us to make sure you aren't being assessed for anything you don't currently have on your property.

Assessor Policies

Taxpayer Access to Assessors Office

Poverty Exemption Application - Policy and Guidelines (2024)

Conducting Annual Personal Property



Rainbow over field